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The Photography Boom is Here, for True Photographers</a>

The technology has leveled the playing field as far as the availability of photography equipment is concerned. You can now start with a $100 camera and shoot quality pictures, learn from various online and offline sources practically free of cost, and practice photography in a world continuously more receptive to photographers. That adds competition, you might add. But for the people who seriously want to develop and showcase their visions, it only means easier access to tools and knowledge while they turn their imagination to reality.

As a professional photographer too, what one is expected to deliver is the quality that is beyond those who are offering cheap thrills as a photographer. The price of equipment has come down, and it has meant more photographers are in competition. It also means that almost everyone is taking decent pictures, even those with an iPhone and Snapseed.

Professional photographer, in today’s terms, is someone who is able to deliver results that can actually sell a product or clothing, or tell a story, or run a campaign on its own. The world requires photographers bent upon taking their task to new levels. This is why professional photographers have been surviving and flourishing - whether it is competition or recession, it doesn’t affect them. On the contrary, it helps them as it really helps them rise above the others.

There’s also a bonus now with an ever-evolving stock photography market. As long as you explore your niche properly, you will get a global audience for your pictures. It means a one-time investment of a photoshoot can become a source of passive income for you. It also means that you are not always bound by the client's expectations and requirements, and have a scope to create your own visuals. If it is a good picture that can be used commercially, it will still sell. The payouts are less but consistent. Hence, it makes more sense in investing in your vision.

Photography as an art is another factor that’s been on the rise, thanks to products that aren’t only limited to prints. The print sales have been better for photographers who shoot beautiful landscapes, wildlife, etc, but there is another avenue that has opened up in the past decade. It is of the merchandise sales. Be it t-shirts, mugs, coasters, or mouse pads, people are looking for creative ways to light up their surroundings. It is an area that has several big players in the fray, and some websites offer to sell the products in an easy manner.

Finally, the biggest requirement as a photographer comes from the constant need to be on social media. Every company and individual has social media channels, and more of them are about pictures than mere text. Even the traditional non-picture channels like twitter have improved their website for picture integration. Election campaigns, personal PR campaigns, etc, all require consistent high-level graphics. There’s more requirement for photographers than there ever will be, so embrace it if you feel you have it in you.