This course is designed to take your brand to the next level! You'll learn the importance of cultivating a strong team culture, enabling collaboration, knowledge sharing, communication, and mutual support among team members. Discover how to improve the efficiency of daily operations and expand your business through outsourcing, including building a remote team of freelancers. We'll explain why a company van can be a game-changer. Master essential internet marketing methods like Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and understand the impact of media platforms and advertising. Learn to utilize popular social media platforms, work with add-ons, improve your Google ranking, and hack YouTube's search algorithm to reach a wider audience.

STAge 3 OF THE Master course

WITH THE business up 
and running IT’S TIME TO

GROW the BUSINESS to 6 figures

Understand the customer buying process for companies that need content, and why making a great first impression is crucial. We'll teach you the importance of physical appearance and proper conduct in meetings, convincing clients of your professionalism. Learn how to maintain close relationships with customers and become their go-to contractor. We'll emphasize the importance of testimonials in building trust and emotional appeal for your brand. Additionally, you'll gain insights into the mindset required for growing your business, supported by our extensive list of recommended literature. Join now and transform your brand!

Get this Expert Level course now

52 Lessons

Experience detailed guidance for every step of your journey through our comprehensive video lectures.

Instant Access

Get started today on building your brand and attracting bigger clients with instant access to the content you need.

4.9 Star Rating

Let’s be real ! our $497 courses, rated 4.9 stars. Ty delivers actionable steps for success.

Future Proof

Lifetime access means you'll always stay updated with our evolving course, reflecting industry changes as they happen.

Real Growth

Join our satisfied community! With 96.5% experiencing business growth within six months, you're in good company.

Tools to Grow

Access tools and templates for fast growth, each with a dedicated chapter on usage.

What to Expect With this Course.

Module 3 is designed to elevate your business to the next level with 52 detailed video lessons. You'll gain insights into the customer buying process, harnessing the power of essential internet marketing methods like PPC, and understanding the benefits of outsourcing. Learn the importance of having a company van, how to maintain close relationships with customers, and becoming their go-to contractor. We'll also highlight common pitfalls to avoid.

module 3: What You'll Learn

table of content


tools and Services used to streamline the process.

Don’t waste money on all these services. we have a list of the ones you actually need.


Understanding The Customer Buying process.

one of the most valuable ways to reach and service clients is to understand how they think about what you offer.


Business TIme management

know what to do with your time in the Beginning is hard. so we’ve developed the schedule to success.


The Video SEO Hack

video is out ranking text in seo we show your how to use it to grow your business and you clients.


Add-on and upsells

learn how to position extra items and outsourced services to raise Revenue.


How to grow with outsourcing

know how And who to Outsource portions of your business can double your profits in half the time.


How to properly plan a shoot date with your client

Learn everything you need to have in place for your next shoot date with your client to show maximum value.


the Importance of Physical Appearance.

matching t-shirts don’t cut it anymore. showing value goes beyond Uniform.


Van or Physical Location

learn which is the right choice for you brand?


how to carry yourself on the job

There more to a shoot than the camera work. here we’re talking about what you need to do.


closer bigger sales with better Testimonials

Testimonials saying you’re a great person and you have the best prices will not cut it with high-end clients


Why it’s so import to become your client go to contractor

Companies work with companies they trust on a ongoing basis. this means Consistent Revenue you can’t afford to miss.


the importance of customer feedback

learn how to harness the single greatest tool to grow your business.


this course is


Your business requires nurturing to thrive, so we'll teach you how to improve efficiency, manage day-to-day operations, and create a positive team culture. Discover how to excel at media advertising and testimonials, and leverage YouTube to hack search algorithms for yourself and your clients.

Outsourcing can be a significant part of business growth, and we'll share strategies for using it effectively in daily processes and upsells, along with introducing you to vendors that have helped us generate an additional $20,000 to $80,000 per year in sales. Learn effective business time management to stay productive and develop a game plan for success. Invest in your growth and take your business to the next level with MODULE 3


Hear the inspiring stories of our students who have transformed their passion for photography and videography into tangible success.

Frequently Asked Questions