FlashFilm Academy is an exclusive online platform dedicated to transforming photographers, videographers, and filmmakers into successful entrepreneurs. Unlike traditional educational resources that focus solely on the technical aspects of photography and videography, FlashFilm Academy emphasizes the importance of adopting a business-centric approach, particularly targeting B2B (business-to-business) opportunities.

Being recognized by Vimeo, a trusted authority for content creators with over 287+ million users worldwide and a vibrant community of over 60 million video content creators, serves as a badge of honor for FlashFilm Academy. This endorsement highlights our expertise in teaching the business side of the industry. If Vimeo trusts us, you should too.

The platform offers a comprehensive suite of courses, resources, and tools designed to teach content creators how to solve their clients' problems with cinematic solutions, moving beyond the conventional selling points of camera quality and passion for the craft.

At the core of FlashFilm Academy's philosophy is the belief that success in the visual content creation industry requires more than just artistic skill; it demands an understanding of complex business ideologies and the ability to apply them in practical, profitable ways. The academy aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to create a business that not only fulfills their passion but also drives growth and profitability through strategic client relationships.

Key offerings include insights into developing effective business strategies, marketing oneself in the competitive digital landscape, managing client relations, and leveraging contracts to protect one's work and rights. With a focus on real-world applicability, FlashFilm Academy positions itself as a crucial partner for anyone looking to turn their passion for photography and videography into a thriving business.


Our 3 Part System is designed to empower success, not just educate!

  1. Teach: In-depth curriculum by industry experts for the latest, relevant skills.

  2. Implement: Engages you with interactive projects and hands-on workshops for real-world application.

  3. Accountability: Features progress tracking, goal setting, and personalized feedback for tangible results.

    We offer:

    Strategic Business Insights: Learn to develop strategies that make you stand out in the digital landscape.

    Client Relations Mastery: Build and manage relationships that last.

    Technology Forward: Stay ahead with training on the latest technologies, including AI, to keep your work cutting edge.

Companies our students have worked with after joining FlashFilm Academy.




Here's what you'll gain:

  • Unlock untapped revenue streams by mastering the high-profit B2B market.

  • Amplify your reach and revenue through strategic service marketing.

  • Ensure long-term success with a foolproof business strategy.

  • Redirect your energy for maximum profit by shifting from B2C to B2B clients.

  • Acquire actionable insights from successful entrepreneurs, not just tech-focused creators, to fuel your business growth.


What makes FlashFilm Academy different from other online academys?

  • Unlike other platforms that offer a vast array of training materials without a clear path, FlashFilm Academy excels in providing actionable step-by-step video tutorials. These tutorials are carefully curated and presented in a sequence that maximizes the likelihood of success for the learner. This structured approach has been one of the most significant returns on investment for creatives aspiring to go full-time in the industry. By focusing on practical, sequential learning, FlashFilm Academy ensures that its members gain the skills and knowledge they need efficiently and effectively, setting them up for sustained success in their creative pursuits.

  • FlashFilm Academy offers a Gold Membership that provides a plethora of opportunities for learning and networking. Members can join mastermind groups, participate in breakout sessions, and surround themselves with like-minded content creators. This environment fosters collaboration and growth, making it an invaluable resource for those in the content creation industry.

  • We don’t just give you tons of training and never talk to you again. Every week we meet to hold you accountable for your success. Our staff and members care about your ability to implement the systems and strategies we teach.

  • The academy provides access to knowledge about grants and programs in specific areas, offering an edge for those looking to expand their business and skills. Additionally, the Structure Base Calculator, a tool offered by the Academy, helps members accurately price their work. Such specialized tools are essential for creators to maintain a competitive edge and ensure their business remains sustainable.

  • FlashFilm Academy offers premium courses and a content catalog that covers various stages of learning and expertise. These courses are designed to cater to the needs of both beginners and seasoned professionals in the content creation field. The Academy’s focus on providing premium, stage-based learning ensures that every member finds relevant and useful material regardless of their level of expertise.

  • The Academy provides access to essential contracts and legal resources, which are crucial for safeguarding the interests of content creators. These include The Ultimate Contract Pack and Podcast Contract Pack, tools that are vital for navigating the complex legal landscape of content creation and protecting one's intellectual property.

  • FlashFilm Academy doesn't just stop at courses and contracts; it extends its offerings to include templates, tools, presets, LUTs (Look-Up Tables for color grading), and a comprehensive gear and services list. This wide range of resources ensures that members are well-equipped with the necessary tools to produce high-quality content and manage their creative projects efficiently.


Need more help? Boost Your Business with Ty's 1-on-1 Consulting

Unlock your full potential

With Ty Turner's personalized consulting sessions. Ty, the founder of FlashFilm Academy, offers tailored advice drawn from years of industry success. Whether it's branding, client acquisition, or pricing, get the insights you need to thrive.

Why Ty?

  • Custom Solutions: Strategies that fit your unique business needs.

  • Direct Insights: Leverage Ty's vast experience for your growth.

  • Flexible: Sessions scheduled around your life.

Ready for Success?

Spaces are limited. Book now to secure your consultation and start your journey to becoming an industry leader.

Consultation will be done via ZOOM and Ty will provide you a recording of that call.

Transform Your Business

In a single session, Ty will pinpoint your challenges and map out a path to success. Join the ranks of creatives who have elevated their businesses, gaining visibility and increasing earnings.