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How to Land a BIG Mortgage Company as a Filmmaker

Building a successful business as a filmmaker and content creator is as much about finding (and landing) the right clients – like big mortgage companies, for example – as it is about the technical side of producing polished, professional, and persuasive videos.


Nailing down the technical aspects of filmmaking is a whole lot easier than mastering the ins and outs of building your business the right way, with the right clients – intentionally – right from day one.


That’s what we are going to talk about right now.


Here’s (almost) everything you need to know about how to land a big mortgage company has a filmmaker today.


How to Land a BIG Mortgage Company as a Filmmaker


Refine Your Offer


Straight out of the gate you need to be sure that your offer is refined and laser targeted to your perfect prospect, in this case a big mortgage company.


We live in a hypercompetitive business environment. Any big mortgage company is already overwhelmed with offers from other filmmakers and content creators promising the moon and the stars when it comes to helping them build their business.


Most of those offers (and maybe even your old offers) are getting ignored completely simply because they aren’t refined or laser targeted to mortgage companies specifically.


If you want to succeed in this space you need to have an offer that’s going to resonate with mortgage companies specifically. Niche down, offer them EXACTLY what they are looking for – video content that can bring them more clients in the mortgage space – and watch as your business takes off.


Stop being a generalist and become a specialist.


It’ll transform your business almost overnight.


Work Collaboratively


While you need to position yourself as an expert in your field (a master filmmaker and content creator) you should also recognize that the best mortgage company videos are only going to be made possible by working in close collaboration with your mortgage company clients.


You might be a whiz at the technical side of film making, storyboarding, and putting the video content together. But it’s only through real collaboration with your client that you’re going to be able to build a persuasive message that resonates with their market.


Lean on their expertise.


Tap into their understanding of their market and their ideal clients (the real “customer” for the content you are creating).


It’s the only way to produce real video assets your client’s business can use to ring the register from here on out.


Credibility is King


Nick Patton, founder and owner of the Supreme Lending Franchise (and The Patent Group), talks a lot about the power of credibility in this Flash FilmAcademy episode.


After digging a little bit into his background and his personal story he goes on to talk about all of the places in major media outlets that he and his business have been featured.


Nick goes on to talk about how having “all these logos” – all that credibility – may not help necessarily bring clients into his sales funnels or into his business, but it certainly helps ease the persuasion and selling process once he brings his leads into the fold.


You need to be doing the exact same thing.


Look for ways to build your credibility. Look for ways to build your authority. Look for ways to leverage the power of media (mass media and social media alike) to better position yourself as the “go to” choice in your market.


Focus specifically on the kind of media and the kind of credibility pieces that would resonate most with big mortgage clients if that’s who you are targeting in the first place.


It’s all about finding that perfect message to market match and really getting your positioning right straight from the jump.


Authenticity is the Only Way Forward


It’s impossible to watch our episode with Nick Patton and not come away from it feeling like this is (at the very least) a very real, a very authentic, and a very persuasive person in the mortgage space.


That authenticity is a huge piece of the success puzzle when you’re filming content for businesses, particularly those in the (for lack of a better word) “boring” industries like the mortgage world.


People today aren’t getting up, leaping out of bed, and hard charging down to a financing operation to take out a mortgage these days. It’s a super technical, often long and drawn out kind of process – and the typical sales process is more than a little bit on the dry side of things.


As a filmmaker, though, if you’re able to bring out the personality of your clients and put it forward in a really authentic kind of way (without abandoning core principles of persuasion) you’re going to have a huge hit on your hands.


Remember, when you’re making this video content the point is to present your client in the best possible light so that they can persuade their ideal customer and win more business.


When you remember that you are trying to build as evergreen an asset for your clients as possible, an asset that’s going to fit into the rest of their marketing machine, it becomes a lot easier to make that authenticity shine through so that all their marketing is congruent and cohesive.


Build Your Network to Build Your Net Worth


It becomes a whole lot easier to build your filmmaking and content creation business with big mortgage clients after you’ve already signed a couple of “whales” and done great work for them.


After you have worked on a couple of these projects don’t be shy about asking to use them as a case study or a testimonial, or even going the next step further and directly asking them to help recommend or refer you to new business.


It’s not that hard to build up a pretty substantial video marketing business in the mortgage company space with this approach, especially if you are doing solid work for your clients and driving real traffic (and sales) to them.


Lean on your network and build your net worth at the same time!


Closing Thoughts


At the end of the day, becoming successful in the filmmaking and content creation space with mortgage companies – big mortgage companies, especially – involves a whole lot more than the technical proficiency behind the camera.


Think about this through the lens of building a client relationship, building assets for your clients, and delivering product that can help them build and grow their businesses.


Tap into all of the inside information we highlighted above and you’ll shortcut your path to success significantly.

Meta Description

(Almost) Everything You Need to Know About Landing BIG Mortgage Company Clients as a Filmmaker and Content Creator.



